Deep dive into Mina Protocol for the beginners and not only

2 min readFeb 28, 2021


Hello everyone! Now every day we see a huge amount of information that is very difficult to filter. As a beginner, it was very difficult for me to find what I needed in this ocean of information, and at the same time build the right sequence for the presentation of the material. I hardly understood anything and googled almost every word. If you just want to learn about the Mina protocol, you can just go to the google. But if you are really interested in this project and you want to dig deeper, want to understand what is zkp, snarks, snapps, etc., understand why Mina is a project that will renew and remake crypto, then you need to conduct your own analysis to make sure of this. I tried to collect the most interesting articles, videos and news that helped me, which I think fully characterize the Mina and give a quick and complete understanding of it. I will be glad if this information will be useful to someone and will help you to get to know Mina a little closer, and save a time. I will also be happy if you add some interesting link to my list, let’s get to know Mina from all sides together!

I recommend to reading articles in this order (but it’s not necessary):


An interesting overview of Mina Protocol with examples and infographics. I recommend starting with this article click

One more rather concise article click

Non technical illustrative explanation of Mina Protocol click

AMA with Ian Balina and CEO Mina Evan Shapiro click

Easy video-explanation of the zero knowledge proof in simple words

click №1 click №2

Interesting discussion with Izaak Meckler from Mina, Arthur Breitman from Tezos, and Howard Wu from DekryptDekrypt on the topic “zk-SNARKs and the future of crypto” click

Why SNARKs are the technology of the coming decade click

How fundamental technology named Pickles is the enabling Mina to support Snapps, general-computation, fully-verifiable zero-knowledge smart contracts. click

Why value of TPS (transactions per second) is not the most important click

One of the real examples of the use Mina — real relevant — to verify vote counts and make elections more transparent and trusted click

Important partnerships, backers and other:

Mina partners with Finoa as its preferred institutional custodian in the leadup to its mainnet launch click

Coinbase, Paradigm invest $15 million in MINA click

MINA Protocol has raised $10.9 million in a funding round co-led by Hong Kong-based Bixin Ventures and Singapore-based Three Arrows Capital click

Why Mina used be called Coda? click

If you have read all this, try to solve the crossword puzzle by Mina, it is very funny) click

Enjoy your study! And don’t forget to share your interesting links)




Written by snoopfear


crypto enthusiast

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