This neural network will help translate text into a voice message, it will be useful for those who do not like to record audio messages and you are blogging in English. You can choose voice acting, and you can also clone your voice and use it when translating text into audio. So far, it only works with English, but over time they promise to add others.
- Open the official website of the service. Click on the “Clone your voice for free” button.
- Next, we are going through the registration stage. Enter your email and password. Click “Sign in”

3. Fill in the fields and click “Start Free Trial”

4. Click “Create Rabid Voice Clone”.

5. Next click “Clone my voice”.

6. Now you need to click “Record” button read the proposed text several times, do not forget to give your device access to the microphone.

7. If the quality of the read text will satisfactory — click the “Submit” button.

8. If everything was successful, then you will see this message

9. Now you can started by typing anything you want in the textbox below and click “Generate” button.

Now let’s check how successful it was to clone your own voice. I took a short excerpt from an article on the Medium by the author of Syntactic about an innovative launchpad AIPAD under the guidance of a real AI.

By this Link you can find both samples: mine original voice and made by clone. I think the voice turned out very similar, except that my accent disappeared, ahah, it’s even for the best. And what do you think? Share in the comments.